Election Process

To enrich democratic representation beyond the existing two-party system, the Fourth Branch's election process would be structured around political party votes rather than individual candidates.

Every 2 years during the standard federal election period approximately half of the seats should be up for re-election.

Party-Centric Elections

  • Citizens would cast their votes for political parties instead of individual candidates during the election of the Fourth Branch's board of directors.
  • Citizens cast direct votes for their preferred party which is counted across all states without electors or gerrymandering.

Proportional Representation

  • Once the election has concluded each participating political party would nominate representatives to fill the board's seats in proportion to the percentage of the vote that the party received.

Nomination Process

  • Parties are free to develop their own internal processes for nominating representatives to the board.
  • These processes could include primary elections, selection committees, or any method that aligns with the party’s principles and structures.

Finality of Nomination

  • Once a party nominates its representatives, these individuals would serve for the full term of the office, regardless of their continued standing with the party that nominated them over that term.